
 What is Online Giving?

Online giving is an easy and convenient way to support the ministry of Stillwater United Church.  The benefits of using online giving include the convenience of being able to give from anywhere at a time that is convenient for you, not having to write checks, and the ability to set up recurring donations so you don't miss an opportunity to give when you are away from the church.

How Can I Do This?

If your bank has an online bill payment service, then you can set up your bank to automatically send a check to Stillwater United Church at PO Box 480, Stillwater, NY 12170.  

We have recently set up an account with VANCO Payment Solutions.  You can send payments to the church as easy as 1-2-3!  You can donate directly from your mobile phone by downloading for free "GivePlus Church."  This app can be found in your App Store or in Google Play.  Once the app is downloaded, you can search for Stillwater United Church in Find Churches.  Tap Donate Now.  Select a fund and a preset amount or enter another amount.  You can also scan your card or banking account info! Review your info and select Complete Donation.

How Does the Church Process Online Donations or Online Payments?

Online payments that are made through your own bank, come into the office through the mail.  They are placed in the financial secretary's mailbox in the office where she picks them up on Sunday morning.  They are then processed along with the Sunday offerings. 

Regardless of the method of online donation, the amount will be noted in the church giving records and will be included in your giving statements that can be used for tax purposes.

Did You Know?

You can make donations to any of the Special Offerings and Fundraisers throughout the church year by using online giving.  Simply note in the memo portion of the church where the donation goes; i.e., General Fund, Renovation Project, One Great Hour of Sharing or other mission, etc.

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